We are particularly proud of our success in the field of negotiated construction with 90 percent of our projects undertaken using ‘Partnering’ techniques to maximize return on investment for our clients.
At E&M Constructors we believe the pre-construction services we offer are the key to a successful project. Time spent up-front will speed construction, reduce potential conflicts and produce a better quality project. The construction process may seem complicated but E&M Constructor’s top priority is to establish a partnership with the owner where all facets of construction are openly discussed.
Whether a project is negotiated or competitively bid, the process is essentially the same. E&M Constructors estimates its own self-performed work and solicits quotes from subcontractors on the balance of the work. We have a staple of subcontractors with a history of providing quality work at competitive pricing. In addition, we accept proposals on our self-performed work to ensure we are competitive.